Mental Health
4 articles
What is topical in the news as I write this will be but a vague memory, if remembered at all, by the time you read it. Recently, a cybersecurity firm pushed a software update and crashed millions (8.5 million, according to Microsoft) of business computers worldwide. Flights were interrupted creating massive delays, guests were locked out of their rooms at Disneyland, and those self-checkout kiosks everyone both loves-to-hate and hates-to-love were down and unable to accept card payments.
I have been Swedish Death Cleaning for years, and I still consider myself to have an average amount of stuff. Well, I still have more belongings than most because I tend to squirrel was items for household chores and personal hobbies. All of that stashing away of goods adds up to a lot of items.
There’s no shortage of thing for me to do in the day. If I could make two clones of myself, all three of us would end up with full time jobs from my existing workload. It’s not that I’m bad at time management or that I’m slow an inefficient, instead, it’s that I’m interested in […]
There’s little doubt that you’ve heard a lot about deep work, or being “in the zone”, or working in a state of flow. Conversations around this topic are almost always positive; extolling the virtues of deep work and the creativity and productivity breakthroughs that will occur. However, what isn’t talked about enough are the negative […]