Zilliqa has announced that it is spinning off its blokchain-enabled first person shooter gameWeb3War into its own e-gaming business: Roll1ng Thund3rz. The spinoff will be helmed by Valentin Cobelea, who will also retain his duties at Zilliqa’s still-internal gaming division. This type of internal incubation isn’t new to Zilliqa. What is new, however, is Zilliqa’s […]
Teachers and schools are questioning if they should ban generative AI technologies for students and contemplating how to execute such a ban if implemented. Ultimately, this is a waste of time. Generative AI shouldn’t be viewed as a threat, but rather processed into the fold of education with the proper use of the technology being […]
With 13 years of adult teaching experience, I thought I knew how students and instructors felt about grade reviews. What I found through some basic research surprised me. My expectations had been that the process would be supported and welcomed, much as it often is at my university. However, I found that the consensus from […]
A couple of weeks back, I went to a theme park that I love. It’s not just a local theme park that I visited frequently as a kid, but it’s also where I started the marketing portion of my career. Marketing has been one of the three pillars of my professional identity, along with business […]
Remember being young and idealistic and thinking deadlines were stupid? Somehow, I’ve come back around to that position. Sure, there are times when deadlines are necessary or simply unavoidable. The pace of the world needs to keep moving forward and sometimes there’s just not an unlimited amount of time to otherwise accomplish tasks we’d rather […]
You could say that I have a problem with staying on-point and on-message. In the early days of social web-based technologies, this varied focus was a trademark of thought-leaders and influential early adopters. When the masses came around to the adoption of a more social web, it was mistakenly viewed as taunting or troll-like behavior. […]
You want to get better at predicting the future,and you want to be better at being yourself in the here and now. This doesn’t require metaphysics or pseudoscience… it just requires a few meditative thought exercises. Let’s take a few moments to explore the future together. Exercise 1: An Empty Crowd The above image has […]
You may notice thing things are beginning to look a little wonky around ChaseRaz.com. Your eyes aren’t deceiving you. There’s a lot of construction work going on here, and my personal blog is growing into its own and serving as a resource for more than just my posts. This brings opportunities and challenges Opportunities: This […]
A collection of toy building blocks. You’ve already asked yourself this question a dozen times. Build a house or buy an existing? Build a raised garden bed or buy a kit? Print your own vacation t-shirts, or order them online? For someone with just enough development skill to be dangerous, the question is often the […]
A minimalist image of a simple laptop on a table. Look, this title isn’t all that appealing, but it’s short and to the point. Fellow INTJ’s will appreciate that. I wanted to obfuscate it even more and call this post MBTI INTJ & SME MVPs, but I chose to spare you the trouble. Either way, […]